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USDA Food Dollar Series

Revised, February 2011


The USDA food dollar series breaks down the costs of producing and selling food in America, from farm to market.  The easy-to-read graphic format illustrates just how little is retained by growers (avg. 15%).  We don't think that makes a lot of sense.  That's why the "Port Susan Grown" program works with small farmers to cover many marketing and distribution costs so they can retain at least 50% of every food dollar. 

local food WA
USDA Agricultural Census

Latest Available Data, 2012


The USDA Ag Census has a wealth of information and statistics about the state of the industry.  If you know where to look, you can find data about your individual state, various commodities, small vs. large farms, or farm characteristics.  The census is updated annually, and available two years after collected.  Data points that we found interesting are:

73% of all farm income is shared by the top 5% of farms (those that gross over $500K). 

85% of farms in th Puget Sound region are small (50 acres or less).

The total of beginning farmers has been in decline (most farmers avg. 55 years of age), at 25%, down 20% in the last five years. 

Beginning farmers are more likely to have smaller farms, and to receive their income from off-farm sources.

These numbers suggest that Puget Sound farmers are in need of support if they expect to make money from their farms.

local food WA
Food Processing in Western Washington

Urban Food Link, December 2012


This report is a collaboration between several regional agriculture and food advocacy groups.  While it focuses on King County, it outlines a greater issue regarding food access and farming as a whole.  Since 85% of Puget Sound farms are small, and unlikely to profit from direct sales, it is vital that these farms take advantage of value-added processing to get the most out of their products throughout the year.  However, processing is largely unavailable to small farms.  This is a major impetus for the establishment of North 40.  In addition, other value chain activities carried out by food hubs, like North 40, are necessary for the success of a healthy local food system.

food hub WA



Regional Food Hub Resource Guide

USDA Agricultural Marketing Service, April 2012


The Regional Food Hub Resource Guide is meant to be a reference for people who want to start their own food hubs.  It contains information about the impact of food hubs, financially, socially, and environmentally, the challenges of hubs, and suggested next steps.  There are also links to funding sources for hubs and food businesses.  From this report, it is possible to recognize trends and opportunities for the future of hubs, inlcuding value-added processing and untapped markets.  North 40 used this report as a key resource for establishing our unique business model.

food hub WA
Findings of the 2013 National Food Hub Survey 

Wallace Center at Winrock Int'l & Michigan State University, September 2013


The Wallace Center is a very important ally for the local food movement.  It conducts routine research and assessment on food hubs and innovative food businesses, compiles reports, and houses the National Good Food Network.  The National Food Hub Survey is a bi-annual assessment measure performed by the Wallace Center, which will establish a basis for developing the industry.  The 2013 survey provides a working definition of food hubs, charts and diagrams about costs, revenue, challenges and barriers, and variances in business models among existing hubs. 

food hub WA

This is just a sampling of some of the best resources we have found regarding our specific business model.  We also drew data from other reports about beginning, women, veteran, and rural farmers (USDA AMS) and food hubs (NGFN) to guide our purpose.  We do not endorse any of these resources, and encourage you to do your own analysis.  If you would like more information about our process, or need help starting your own data mining adventure, we'd be happy to help.

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